Stafford Opera Troupe's fourth Summer Opera Program brought our first presentation of an original work. During the 2019 program, twenty-six singers participated in six seminars, three master classes, and two mainstage performances of the original Much Ado About Nothing, a new work by SOT Faculty member Evan Keene. The timeless works of Shakespeare have often been set to music, and SOT was thrilled to present one of Shakespeare’s best-loved comedies told through the soaring voices of our students. Some of our faculty and students were also honored to be interviewed by Mr. Charlie Clute on the process of adapting Shakespeare to opera. On August 2 and 3 at Mountain View High School the cast debuted this exciting work for the community. The faculty and staff were supplemented by visiting faculty including Mr. Bryan Stenson, Dr. Jordan Davidson, Mr. Nicholas Pallesen, Mr. Chris Apfelbach and Ms. Kelli Overmeyer who presented lectures and masterclasses.
2019 Award RecipientsStafford Opera Troupe was pleased to recognize the outstanding contributions of five Summer Opera Program singers in 2019.
Stafford Opera Troupe's third Summer Opera Program brought its educational opportunities to new heights. During the July 12-August 4 program, fifteen singers participated in ten workshops and lectures, four public masterclasses, and two mainstage performances of Viardot's Cinderella on August 3 and 4 at Mountain View High School. The faculty and staff of twelve were supplemented by two visiting faculty, Brett Pardue and Dr. Isaiah Feken, who presented lectures and masterclasses.
2018 Award RecipientsStafford Opera Troupe was pleased to recognize the outstanding contributions of six Summer Opera Program singers in 2018.
SOT Gives Back
Stafford Opera Troupe returned for its second Summer Opera Program in 2017. Fifteen singers and three Peer Mentors, under the instruction of nine faculty members, performed roles and in the ensemble of Henry Purcell's masterpiece Dido and Aeneas.
In addition to daily rehearsals, participants took part in:
2017 Award Recipients
Stafford Opera Troupe was pleased to recognize the outstanding contributions of five Summer Opera Program singers in 2017.
In the summer of 2016, SOT hosted its inaugural Summer Opera Program. In an intimate learning setting, seven students graduated from the program along with four Peer Mentors who influenced them along the way. Each singer had multiple solo performance opportunities and experienced private coachings and acting direction from the program faculty. Two weeks of training and rehearsal culminated in Night at the Opera, a concert of fully staged opera scenes presented on August 6th, 2016.
2016 Award Recipients
Stafford Opera Troupe was pleased to recognize the outstanding contributions of four Summer Opera Program singers in 2016.